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Green Background

3. Describe your Key positions and Campaign Themes.

Jill Stein

Peace. Planet. People.


An Economic Bill of Rights for a Just Economy

A Real Green New Deal

Freedom, Equality, and Justice for All

Peace and Global Human Rights

Empower the People for Real Democracy


Our Power to the People Plan is a comprehensive platform to build a human-centered society that puts people, planet and peace over profit. It offers direct answers to the crises of crushing inequality, endless war and climate collapse brought on by both corporate political parties, and it empowers we the people to fix our broken political system and make real the promise of democracy. We have the power to create an America and a world that works for all of us.

Jasmine Sherman

Let's Reset! People over Profit!


1) Housing- Decommodify housing and eliminate rent, mortgages and property taxes ​

2) Healthcare- 100% coverage including vision and dental

3) Education- universal education up to and including doctorate level studies

4) UBI-a monthly disbursement based on the cost of living in a resident’s state

5) Environment/Infrastructure reform- Abating the damage caused by climate change through sustainable development and creating an infrastructure that fosters community

Jorge Zavala

I aim to be remembered for my unwavering audacity, determination, and strategic intelligence. I'm willing to take on challenges, face resistance, and lead the way for others to follow. By believing in myself and empowering others, I plan to bring about growth and development. The key to change lies in Americans believing in themselves and never giving up. Noah is not an answer; action and resilience are essential to achieving progress.


As a presidential candidate for the Green Party, I am committed to implementing key policies that prioritize the environment, inclusivity, transparency, sustainable energy, and economic growth. These policies aim to address pressing environmental issues, ensure citizen participation and transparency in governance, reduce dependency on harmful industries, and promote job creation and economic stability.


Policy 1: Environmental Assessment and Protection - We will conduct thorough assessments to define and measure the negative impacts of industrial waste runoff, oil and gas pollution, nuclear hazards, and environmental barriers. By understanding these dangers, we can develop effective strategies to mitigate their harmful effects and prioritize environmental conservation.


Policy 2: Inclusion and Citizen Voices - Protection of farmers, historical national parks, and recreational areas is of utmost importance. We will ensure that citizens' voices are heard, granting them the opportunity to express their concerns and contribute to informed decision-making, thereby maintaining a balanced approach to environmental and social policies.


Policy 3: Transparency in Governance - Transparency is vital for citizen trust and participation. We will enforce transparency measures within the House of Representatives and the executive branch to provide citizens with a clear understanding of policies and bills. This will allow for informed acceptance, concerns, and constructive input from the commonwealth.


Policy 4: Sustainable Energy and Technological Development - To reduce dependency on harmful capitalistic industries, we will actively promote and support the expansion, implementation, and encouragement of energy and technological programs and businesses that prioritize renewable energy sources. This will help drive a shift towards sustainable practices and protect our environment for future generations.


Policy 5: Job Creation and Economic Growth - We recognize the importance of a robust workforce and economic stability. Our plan includes expanding vocational training and job placement opportunities after higher education. Additionally, we will reform social security work programs to strengthen economic growth and ensure a prosperous future for all, while also working towards strengthening the American dollar. These key policies demonstrate our commitment to environmental stewardship, inclusivity, government transparency, sustainable energy, and economic growth.


By electing me as president, we can work together to build a greener, fairer, and more prosperous nation.


Question 1Core Message: Why did you choose to run for the Green Party Presidential nomination?

​Question 2. Party Building: What role do you see the Presidential Campaign playing in the larger picture of the Green Party of the U.S.?

Question 3. Describe your Key positions and Campaign Themes.

Question 4. Please describe your history of and experiences in activism with the Green Party, allied organizations, or a constituency that is supported by the Ten Key Values.​

Question 5. Describe how your campaign platform aligns with the GPUS Platform. If there are any areas where your platform does not align, please elaborate.

Question 6Describe the Campaign plans and goals and how they will be achieved.

Question 7. Strategy or plan to achieve ballot access in every state

Question 8. UNIFYING THE PARTY. The GPUS is a diverse party with chapters in urban, suburban and rural communities. It includes native Americans, immigrants, black Americans, and white Americans of many different economic levels. It includes LGBTQIA+ people, straight people, unemployed people, retired people, professionals, union members, business owners and people from many walks of life. What is the vision by which you could be the nominee who receives support from all the diverse members of the Green Party?

Question 9. Other information (e.g., resume/summary of education, employment, other experiences, offices sought or held, publicly elected offices, public boards or commissions at the local, state, or national level; or specific offices or positions within the Green Party at either the state or local level, if any, or any instances in which you worked in collaboration with Green Party chapters, groups or candidates.)

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